15 August 1989 --- Day of Year (DOY): 227

Event Description

Wide, complex, structured, multiple loops/cavities with complex, multiple, structured, inner loop/cavity and structured core superposed on rays. Region is blown out. Big deflections. Could extend as far south as 175 degrees. Solar north is indicated by the arrow drawn into the occulting disk; the dotted circle marks the solar photosphere.

Event Properties

Start/Stop Times in SMM Coronagraph Field of View: August 15 01:24 to ~06:17
Central Position Angle: 242(?) degrees
Width (in degrees): 095(?) degrees
Speed (in km/sec): 748 <--- Outer Loop
Speed (in km/sec): 589

Image List:

August 15, 1989: 00:08 UT WEST

August 15, 1989: 01:15 UT WEST

August 15, 1989: 01:24 UT SOUTH August 15, 1989: 01:40 UT WEST

August 15, 1989: 02:23 UT WEST August 15, 1989: 02:48 UT WEST

August 15, 1989: 02:56 UT SOUTH August 15, 1989: 03:13 UT WEST

August 15, 1989: 04:37 UT WEST August 15, 1989: 04:45 UT SOUTH

August 15, 1989: 06:09 UT WEST August 15, 1989: 06:17 UT SOUTH

Detailed information on all SMM mass ejections is available in the SMM Catalogue of Coronal Mass Ejections