3 March 1988 --- Day of Year (DOY): 063
Event Description
Huge, broad loop/cavities(?) with two structured interior (prominence) loops/cavities appearing nearly simultaneously at widely different locations. Deflections north of event. Southern structured loop/cavity is surrounded by fuzzy, concentric loops/cavities. Solar north is toward the upper left as indicated by the arrow drawn into the occulting disk; the dotted circle marks the solar photosphere.
Event Properties
Start/Stop Times in SMM Coronagraph Field of View:
March 03 <22:12 to March 04 03:19
Central Position Angle: 156 degrees
Width (in degrees): 159 degrees
Speed (in km/sec): 232 <--- Broad Loop
Speed (in km/sec): 259 <--- Inner Eastern Loop (prominence)
Image List:
March 03, 1988: 9:37 UT
March 03, 1988: 11:27 UT
March 03, 1988: 22:10 UT
March 03, 1988: Subtraction image of 22:10 UT
March 03, 1988: 22:35 UT
March 03, 1988: 22:43 UT
Detailed information on all SMM mass ejections is available in the SMM Catalogue of Coronal Mass Ejections