10 November 1988 --- Day of Year (DOY): 315

This is the first of two coronal mass ejections observed by the SMM coronagraph on November 10, 1988. In this event, highly structured material (probably a prominence) was ejected over the east limb of the sun. At 10:41 UT a second mass ejection was observed over the northwest limb of the sun. Solar north is toward the upper left corner in each image.

Event Description

EVENT #1, East Limb:
Beautiful, highly structured (prominence) material. Could have missed coronal front of event between 05:43 and 06:43 images. Material ejected on both sides of (prominence) material. Small streamer at northern edge of event is disrupted.

EVENT #2, West Limb:
Flat-topped loop/cavity wirh probable (indistinct) core superposed on streamer. Loop gets flatter (dimpled) as it moves outward.

Event Properties

EVENT #1, East Limb:
Start/Stop Times in SMM Coronagraph Field of View: November 10, 6:43 to 14:41
Central Position Angle: 089 degrees
Width (in degrees): 107 degrees
Speed (in km/sec): 773 <--- (Prominence) Material

EVENT #2, West Limb:
Start/Stop Times in SMM Coronagraph Field of View: November 10, 10:41 to 13:32
Central Position Angle: 312 degrees
Width (in degrees): 067 degrees
Speed (in km/sec): 443 <--- Loop

Image List:

November 10, 1988: 5:43 UT November 10, 1988: 6:43 UT

November 10, 1988: 6:52 UT November 10, 1988: 7:00 UT

November 10, 1988: 7:08 UT November 10, 1988: 7:17 UT

November 10, 1988: 8:51 UT November 10, 1988: 8:59 UT

November 10, 1988: 9:59 UT November 10, 1988: 10:16 UT

November 10, 1988: 10:24 UT November 10, 1988: 10:41 UT

November 10, 1988: 11:25 UT November 10, 1988: 11:25 UT Subt.

November 10, 1988: 11:33 UT

November 10, 1988: 11:41 UT November 10, 1988: 11:41 UT Subt.

November 10, 1988: 11:50 UT

November 10, 1988: 11:58 UT November 10, 1988: 11:58 UT Subt.

November 10, 1988: 12:14 UT November 10, 1988: 12:14 UT Subt.

November 10, 1988: 12:59 UT November 10, 1988: 13:07 UT

November 10, 1988: 13:23 UT November 10, 1988: 14:41 UT

November 10, 1988: 4 frames in one picture (East limb)

Detailed information on all SMM mass ejections is available in the SMM Catalogue of Coronal Mass Ejections